Death benefit insurance test - comparisons. Com 2024

The best death benefit insurance in comparison

Death benefit insurance TEST COMPARISONS. COM

Compare the best online tariffs for death benefit insurance now

Do you know what death benefit insurance offers?

A death benefit insurance is a type of insurance that pays monetary compensation to the surviving dependents of the insured in the event of death. This type of insurance can help minimize the financial burdens associated with funeral and burial expenses. While burial insurance isn't necessarily much-needed insurance, for some people it can be a valuable addition to their financial planning. In this article, we'll discuss the key features of a mortal insurance policy, including the level of coverage, cost, and premium payments, and we'll also discuss the benefits it can offer to help you decide if it's for you and your family is the right choice.

At a glance

  • The necessary money for your own funeral can be obtained from the death benefit fund, if you have completed such insurance in your lifetime.
  • Depending on the agreed sum insured, the monthly fee will be canceled, whereby offers are already very cheap.
  • Since the burial obligation applies in Germany, every person must be "properly" buried. Normally, the costs are capped from the estate of the deceased. If this is not possible, relatives can be obliged. If you take out a death benefit insurance, you circumvent such a problem.
Funeral insurance

For the death benefit insurance comparison:

Table of Contents

  1. For whom is the death benefit insurance useful?
  2. Which death benefits do the different contracts exactly contain?
  3. How can my relative apply for the death benefit insurance?
  4. Should one terminate the death benefit insurance or post free of charge?
  5. Can I choose a mortician myself despite the death benefit insurance?

How can my relative apply for the death benefit insurance?

When the death occurs, relatives want to use the benefits of this insurance. Of course, the procedure should go quickly, finally funeral and others follow soon after death. One must now hope that the family the appropriate message with the insurer so as fast as possible performs. This ensures a smooth process, even in the difficult hours. In most cases, the contracts of the service providers that the message must be made directly. Unfortunately, this means that the close and responsible family members must deal with the subject without delay, although it may be very difficult. Take a quick look at the contract to see the deadlines. Depending on the agreement, this is for example on 30 days after death or even only on 2 days after death. They now understand how important it is to deal with this in a timely manner. Please contact the Customer Center of the Institute by phone to clarify the first steps. But never renounce to a written message, albeit via e-mail. Have the following documents ready:

  • death certificate
  • Certificate of death
  • Accident report on accidental death
  • policy

Note: Nevertheless, ask the insurance company for the necessary papers so that you do not forget anything important. Depending on the institute further questions arise, especially if the cause should be unclear.

Should one terminate the death benefit insurance or make the death benefit insurance without contributions?

Once you have decided on the special provision, you should not part with it carelessly. Due to the low contributions From the young age of entry you usually do not get into financial distress, as experience shows. Of course you can terminate such contracts, if you would like to do so. Terminations are easily possible under the terms of the contract, even within one month. Many serve a monthly payment method, which also makes termination possible on a monthly basis. In any case, you should in writing and via registered mail quit to be on the safe side. Caution: In general, you will have to expect financial losses if you terminate the mortgage insurance. Thus, the exemption of contributions may be worthwhile to bridge any difficult months. This approach is always better than a careless termination.

Death benefit insurance comparison 2018

Even in younger years, it recommends measures for personal provision hold true. Concerns about the accident protection, pension Insurance and co should addressed early on in order to be optimally prepared in case of insurance. The big fear of many citizens is that relatives have to bear the cost of their own funeral. That does not have to be! in the Death insurance from we clarify our readers for special protection. On the basis of the information collected, you decide for yourself whether your favored death benefit insurance will prove test winner qualities.

For whom is the death benefit insurance useful?

Whether the death benefit insurance for older people makes sense, usually decides the actual case. On average, a usual funeral costs 6000 Euro. Of course, the real costs are measured by the wishes or additional services that were important to the deceased or which relatives consider indispensable. As additional security, exactly for this purpose, the death benefit insurance can make sense. The amount of the contributions is usually fixed and does not change, as is the insured sum in the event of death. Here are the benefits of hedging at a glance:

  • Self-determination during life
  • Lifelong protection for a better feeling
  • No burden on relatives, such as children
  • Cheap conditions of many providers available
  • High sums insured can be arranged
  • No health check, of course!
  • Rates without waiting

Many years ago, there was so-called death benefit from the statutory health insurance, which is no longer the case for some time. Thus scores the special kind of protection as a supplement, for little money. Who, for example, no further death benefits can show, for example by the Life Insurance, can be very well positioned with the death benefit insurance. This was finally designed exactly for the purpose mentioned and is offered by numerous well-known providers.

Remember: Many other types of insurance for precaution require a certain amount of health. Does the death benefit insurance come without health issues? Yes! Therefore, chronically ill patients benefit from the concept and can at least provide for this case. Incidentally, even recipients of Hartz 4 may have such pension insurance!

Which death benefits do the different contracts exactly contain?

As with all insurance contracts, one can also have his say in the death benefit insurance. People with the upscale aspiration to their own funeral can on request 15000 Euro For example, those who run the normal version secure 5000 Euro. Decisive about the possible contract contents is, of course, the choice of the provider. It can make a difference whether you use the Ergo Direkt Dombegeldversicherung or the Death benefit insurance at Allianz chooses. The best death benefit insurance even includes a free consultation on matters relating to living will and provision, as well as the organization of the desired funeral, if you want. Such extras are ideal for people who are alone and have no close relatives. Accordingly, it is worth the Death benefit insurance comparison very much for the best protection. Feel free to use our death benefit insurance comparison calculator!

Note: You want to take out a death insurance online? Then experts recommend starting early. The older - the more expensive! From the 60. Year of life, this hedge is too costly, as the death benefit insurance experience generally shows.

Can I choose a mortician myself despite the death benefit insurance?

Your protection by the new insurance does not prevent personal self-determination in terms of Selection of funeral home, You may choose as desired by informing your relatives in advance about the details. You can write this down in a will, for example, or informally inform a confidant. If you want to be sure, you should Wishes and personal ideas write down better on this day and in case of doubt, have it confirmed by the notary.



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My name is Wolfgang. I get frustrated when my insurance doesn't provide the services I want. For this reason I offer you in our Death benefit insurance tariff calculator not only the cheapest offers, but also a detailed insight into the various service packages.

Our Death benefit insurance comparison aims to protect you from possible wrong decisions and to help you make your individual decisions Funeral insurance test winner to determine. Our carefully developed tips and advice from our test and comparison will help you find the optimal one Funeral insurance insurance to find for your needs.

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