Riester pension test - comparisons. Com 2024

The best Riester pension in comparison

Riester pension comparison: Is a degree worth it?

A Riester pension is a normal old-age provision product that can be taken out by anyone. Depending on how much is paid in each year and what life situation you are in, there can be high subsidies from the state.


For the Riester pension comparison:

Unlike one Private pension insurance The following groups of people can benefit here:

  • Pensioners, farmers and the self-employed
  • Beneficiaries of ALG I and II, sickness benefit or early retirement benefit (with prior compulsory insurance)
  • Caregivers without purchase
  • Officials, judges, soldiers
  • People in education and low-income earners, whose pension insurance contribution is fully increased

Even if you have children, this has a positive effect on your Riester pension. Our Riester pension comparison can show you how high your state funding would be.

Is the Riester pension cheaper than a pension insurance?

Sometimes a Riester pension can be cheaper than a pension insurance. This is because the state subsidy is deducted from the minimum contribution rate (4% of income). Someone who has two children pays less than a sole earner without children.

Which Riester pension is the best for you and your needs, can say in addition to our Riester pension comparison also an independent consultant. Therefore: Who tests the offers wins!

That's what counts for the best Riester pension

Not only test-vergleiche.com, but also Stiftung Warentest has already dealt with a Riester pension test. From a total of 42 different Riester pension policies, 5 were included that received the test grade “Good”. Take a look at www.test.de to find out who won the test at Stiftung Warentest der Riester Rente.

According to Stiftung Warentest a change between different providers of Riester pension sometimes makes sense, but not always. In individual cases, all factors should always be checked independently.

Tip: Stiftung Warentest also compares care supplementary and health insurance, A visit to the website is worthwhile as part of an insurance test!

Author test-vergleiche.com


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